Who we are
The Neurovascular Research Cluster Basel (NRCB) has been founded in 2022 at the University of Basel on the initiative of the Department of Neurology, University Hospital Basel. The NRCB is under the direction of Prof. Katan, Prof. Guzman and Prof. Psychogios.
The cluster is an alliance of research groups from the region Northwest Switzerland dedicated to strengthen clinical, translational and basic research in the field of neurovascular diseases and stroke.
Board of Directors
Prof. Mira Katan
Chefärztin a.i. Neurologie / Co-Leitung Stroke Center Basel
Prof. Raphael Guzman
Chefarzt Neurochirurgie
Prof. Marios-Nikos Psychogios
Abteilungsleiter Neuroradiologie / Co-Leitung Stroke Center Basel

Dr. Maria Burckhardt
Forschungsmanagement Neurologie
Universitätsspital Basel
E-Mail: maria.burckhardt@usb.ch
Telefon: +41 61 328 46 02